16 Days of Activism Against Gender- Based Violence Campaign 2021 (the 30th anniversary of the Global 16 days campaign), from 25 November , the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, International Human Rights Day. The theme of the 2021 Campaign is "Domestic violence and the world of work"


Save the date and the place to be “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign 2021, from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day”.Supported by Ronald Tintin, Super Professeurand Ronning Against Cancer.


The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day. It was started by activists at the inaugural Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991 and continues to be coordinated each year by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership. It is used as an organizing strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.


In support of this civil society initiative, under the leadership of the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General’s UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women campaign (UNiTE campaign) calls for global actions to increase awareness, galvanize advocacy efforts, and share knowledge and innovations.


2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the Global 16 Days Campaign. Inspired by the original vision and history of the Campaign, which focused on raising awareness about violence against women (VAW), and considering the continuing impunity for femicide, this year the Campaign will focus on the issue of “femicide or the gender-related killing of women.”

In 2021, in addition to the anniversary theme, the Campaign will continue its program activities to end gender-based violence (GBV) in the world of work by focusing on the link between domestic violence and the world of work, drawing on legal standards outlined in ILO Convention 190 (C190) and the actions put forward in Recommendation 206 (R206).

COVID-19 has presented us with new challenges which call for individual and collective solutions. Let’s continue our efforts all year round from 16 to 365 days of activism, to advance the human rights of women. A world without violence is possible and this moment demands unparalleled courage and joint action to make this vision a reality. More information, including about upcoming events, and advocacy materials as well as opportunities to contribute to the anniversary celebrations will be disseminated by the Campaign soon. Stay tuned! Read more.









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The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women campaign is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (25 November to 10 December 2020) under the global theme,Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!". UN Women’s Generation Equality campaign is amplifying the call for global action to bridge funding gaps, ensure essential services for survivors of violence during the COVID-19 crisis, focus on prevention, and collection of data that can improve life-saving services for women and girls. The campaign is part of UN Women’s efforts for Beijing+25 and building up to launch bold new actions and commitments to end violence against women at the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico and France in 2021.


This year 2020 is like no other. Even before COVID-19 hit, violence against women and girls had reached pandemic proportions. Globally, 243 million women and girls were abused by an intimate partner in the past year. Meanwhile, less than 40 per cent of women who experience violence report it or seek help.


As countries implemented lockdown measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus, violence against women, especially domestic violence, intensified – in some countries, calls to helplines have increased five-fold. In others, formal reports of domestic violence have decreased as survivors find it harder to seek help and access support through the regular channels. School closures and economic strains left women and girls poorer, out of school and out of jobs, and more vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, forced marriage, and harassment.

In April 2020, as the pandemic spread across the world, the UN Secretary-General called for “peace at home”, and 146 Member States responded with their strong statement of commitment. In recent months 135 countries have strengthened actions and resources to address violence against women as part of the response to COVID-19. Yet, much more is needed. 


Today, although the voices of activists and survivors have reached a crescendo that cannot be silenced or ignored, ending violence against women will require more investment, leadership and action. It cannot be sidelined; it must be part of every country’s national response, especially during the unfolding COVID-19 crisis.

For the 16 Days of Activism, UN Women handed over the mic to survivors, activists and UN partners on the ground, to tell the story of what happened after COVID-19 hit. Read and share stories, get inspired by activists who are making a difference every single day, and find out how you can take action.

UN official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women



As the world retreated inside homes due to the lockdown measures introduced to curb the COVID-19 pandemic, reports showed an alarming increase in the already existing pandemic of violence against women.


“Accompanying the crisis has been a spike in domestic violence reporting, at exactly the time that services, including rule of law, health and shelters, are being diverted to address the pandemic,” stated the UN Secretary-General's report,“Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19". 


You can make a difference during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and protracted state of crisis it has generated across the world. You can support women and girl survivors of violence to stay safe and free of violence. Take action during this year’s 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence. For more information about “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” and action ideassee this year’s concept note.


 See our coverage of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence from previous years: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Take action


  1. Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima,Super ¨Professeur and Rooning Against Cancer’s Challenge for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign 2020. Running or walking by wearing an orange T-shirt = 100 kilometers. Buy our kilometers.


  1. Orange the World on Social media

Show your solidarity with survivors of gender-based violence and where you stand in the fight for women’s rights by oranging your social media profile for the 16 Days of Activism – you can download banners for Facebook and Twitter here.


On Instagram, you can use UN Women’s face filter to show how you are taking action to end gender-based violence and tag a friend to encourage your community to do the same.

Use #orangetheworld, #16Days and #GenerationEquality to start your own conversation about gender-based violence, or share some of the content from our social media package with sample messages and visuals in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese available here.

  1. Donate to support efforts to end violence against women and girls worldwide.


Join our Team “Ronning Against Cancer”, Super Professeur, Le Journal Intime de Sublima, and  Les Aventues de Ronald Tintin to support TOGETHER 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign and ,Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!




Join us!


Share your photos, messages and videos showing how you are participating in the campaign at facebook.com/SayNO.UNiTE and twitter.com/SayNO_UNiTE using #orangetheworld and  #GenerationEquality. For more information about Orange the World: #GenerationEquality, see this year’s Concept Note.


For more information about the theme, download the Action Plan. For more information about Orange Day, please contact Natalia Tuerogerman, natalia.tuerogerman@unwomen.org [at]unwomen.org


The United Nations Official Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women will take place on 25 November from 10 a.m. – 11 : 30 a.m. 



Save the date for the UN official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.


UN official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women